Barb Allen Speaks

From Reality TV to Rocking the Troops with Matthew JC

Episode Summary

Like many Americans, Matthew JC felt a call to serve in some way after the 9/11 attacks. Matthew knew the men and women in our military would be answering the same call in their own way, with courage and sacrifice. While he didn't feel his best contribution would take shape in the form of military service, he instinctively understood that he could do his part in supporting our military by using his gift of music.

Episode Notes

Like many Americans, Matthew JC felt a call to serve in some way after the 9/11 attacks. Matthew knew the men and women in our military would be answering the same call in their own way, with courage and sacrifice. While he didn't feel his best contribution would take shape in the form of military service, he instinctively understood that he could do his part in supporting our military by using his gift of music. 

Matthew has always been musically inclined. He just didn't necessarily know how to go about turning his passion into his purpose until an unusual opportunity presented itself. He was cast as part of the popular reality show, Paradise Hotel.

He laughs and cringes a bit now when sharing that tidbit, before moving on to explain how that experience opened the door to doing what he loves the most: performing and supporting our military.

Matthew was encouraged to bring his guitar with him on to the reality show. The original songs he sang were given air time, and Matthew negotiated a contract with Fox to be paid for each clip that aired with him performing.

That's when Matthew glimpsed a path he could take, that would allow him to do what he does today.

Matthew set out on that path, determined to overcome every obstacle in his way. After years of emails, calls, and pitches, Matthew signed a contract with the Armed Forces Entertainment Division. He and his band have since completed seven world tours performing on military bases. Matthew grew his organization into one that serves the military community by utilizing music and camaraderie as a tool to help heal trauma. 

Operation Rock the Troops is doing incredible things to serve those who serve, and Matthew JC is just getting started. 

Here are some of the topics discussed in this episode:

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