Barb Allen Speaks

From the Border Patrol, to Prison, then Pardoned by Trump

Episode Summary

Gary Brugman faced an uphill climb on his path to rebuilding his life and it all started when President Trump pardoned him in 2020, which meant a long overdue fresh start.

Episode Notes

Border Patrol Agent Gary Brugman, was just doing his job one night in January 2001  when he apprehended one of several men attempting to cross our border illegally. When the man refused to comply with orders from Brugman's co-worker, Brugman placed his boot on the man's back and pushed him back down to a sitting position, where he would not pose a threat to anyone's safety. 

Much to Brugman's surprise, complaints from this illegal alien launched a series of events that culminated with Gary spending two years in prison. His career ruined, his years of service both in the Coast Guard and the Border Patrol now out-shadowed with a felony conviction, Brugman faced an uphill climb on his path to rebuild his life once released. So when President Trump pardoned Gary in 2020, it meant a long overdue fresh start for him. 

In this episode, Gary gives his side of the story. Here are just a few topics touched on: :

- What really happened that night

- What life has been like since that incident. 

 - How evidence was manipulated against him

- The disparity of rights between an illegal alien and a long-serving American citizen

- Life in prison

- Betrayal

- Current issues at our border

- Rebuilding his life

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